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Nail art, crafts, sewing, smelly old books and unicorns!

Friday, May 09, 2014

Nail Foils

  So I learned of Nail Foils from 3140babygirl on youtube.
She does hauls for nail art and girly things. I watched her unbox some awesome foils from a site called Dollar Nail Art . I checked around on amazon and read review after review of the foils some sellers had there and Dollar Nail Art surpasses them by miles in customer satisfaction. Foils on Amazon (at least the ones I have found) are a gamble. Reviews say that the pictures don't represent the product you get and most people were getting duplicate rolls. NONE of the Amazon sellers give foil glue along with the purchase or even have foil glue for sale at all. So how are you even going to use them once you have them? Amazons rolls were less than half the size of Dollar Nail Arts and of course you don't know what you are getting. Dollar Nail Arts has paint boxes or you can buy them one buy one and pick the ones you want.

Here we have an image of one of Dollar Nail Art's foils on display. Nice no?

picture credit goes to alyloveslacquer

I really want to get the tidal waves paint box first!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Getting Our Craft On

I've knitted these bracelets for Samantha and I's craft stand were planning to do. I am actually very happy with them. I also finished the owl painting and went in and put darts in my 50's dress. I snagged a lot of vintage patterns from thrift stores and will be making some cuff bracelets next. Oh yea and I need to snap a shot of my newest book hauls. (It's pretty crazy how many books I have right now.) 

Also I wanted to review the Wet N Wild Mega Rocks nail polish.

I thought these looked amazing in the bottle. But it is very sparse when applied. I mean VERY sparse. I would definitely be waiting for the clear base to dry out before expecting any real coverage. My guess is five coats before you get any real glitter going on.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bird research

Looking into parrots.
I've owned doves ducks and budgies. So this is just a spot for me to dump everything I find that I might not remember later lol.

Best talking birds

Arizona Breeder

Bird breeders online

Quakers: Price range: 100 - 300 dollars.

“Very intelligent, highly social, and demand to be a part of your daily activities. Very vocal with an amazing ability to talk. They are very active, yet they love to cuddle. The gems of the parrot world, they are large in personality, although not among the larger parrots in stature.”
Known for a talking ability that rivals an African grey parrot and Amazon parrot. Quaker parrots are sometimes fussy and “cuss” (or emit a fussing sound), especially about their cages. Nest building instincts can be strong and if they build one they can become territorial about their "nest". 

Conures: Price range: 200 - 600 dollars.
There are many different types of conures differing in mimicing ability color and personality.

Patagonia conures:

Said to have sweet personality but can be loud. Not much of a talker. It takes longer to settle in during the evening. Affectionate, loveable and will sometimes demand attention.This pet birds likes to take part in daily household routines and allowing them to participate helps their behavior and emotional well-being.

Nanday conure. Talk/Trick Ability:  Good, if taught tricks and words at a young age .  A nanday conure enjoys being involved in the routine activities occurring around the house. Nanday conures are considered charming and clownish pet birds.

Sun conureTraits:  Recognized for their beautiful plumage, sun conures are also known for their vocalizing. They are intelligent, playful, and are quieter if kept as single pets. Sun conures make good pet birds for a family because of their sociable, upbeat and affectionate personality. They have an adventurous attitude and are quite active. Owners find that sun conures enjoy playing on the floor, making foot toys appropriate for these birds. They entertain themselves by playing in their water bowls or during bathtime. With the ability to pick up words and phrases, sun conures are often described as being inquisitive.

Jenday conure. Traits:  Jenday conures are generally easy-going and enjoy learning new tricks as well as cuddling. Owners like this pet bird for its laid-back, friendly attitude. Jenday conures like to playfully dangle from their cages and lay on their backs.

White eared conure: Talk/Trick Ability:  Good  Traits:  Although the white-eared conure is sweet and calm by nature, it can be aggressive toward other birds. They are very playful and need plenty of bird-safe toys and materials to chew. White-eared conures can become nippy like many conure species, but with proper socialization, this trait can be corrected. White-eared conures do not tend to be screamers, but rather mimic speech.
Behavior/Health Concerns:  The white-eared conure does best when allowed to be a part of everything that is going on in the household. They thrive on activity and need social interaction with the family to stay content. The white-eared conure is generally hardy. Because they are very active, they need a large cage and plenty of time outside of the cage to exercise and play.

Mitred Conure.

Big and loud and playful. Can also become good talkers. Easy to care for and handle.

Crimson BelliedNoise Level:  Quiet Talk/Trick Ability:  Good. Crimson-bellied conures are a relatively quiet species, especially compared with other conures, although they are louder than budgies and cockatiels, for instance. . Smart and interactive, crimson-bellied conures require sufficient time and training to avoid behavioral problems. Crimson-bellied conures are generally hardy birds that do well when provided with the proper nutrition and a good living environment; they tend to not be as susceptible to disease as other bird species.

Black capped conureTraits:  Black-capped conures are generally sweet, playful pet birds. They are quieter than many other types of conures and they can learn some phrases and tricks. Well-socialized black-capped conures make delightful pets and thoroughly enjoy being part of the family. Some owners have noted that this conure very cutely sings in its sleep. They are very active, intelligent parrots that need a lot of pet bird toys and social interaction with its owner. This bird enjoys a busy house where a lot is going on; this tends to keep them content and entertained.
Behavior/Health Concerns:  Black-capped conures can be clownish in their playful behavior, but generally, they are not good birds for people new to parrots because they require a lot of interaction and someone who is willing to take the time to work with them and understand their behavior. They love to be handled, which helps to get them socialized to the entire family; however, they can nip and therefore are best kept with a more experienced pet bird owner who can redirect such behavior. Because of their very strong chewing ability, they need to be housed in sturdy pet bird cages. These birds like having a sleeping tent or hidey hut in which to retire in when they feel tired or shy.

Cherry Headed conure. Too loud. Needy.

Amazons:  Price range: ??? - ???

Amazon parrots have a reputation for being the great communicator when it comes to reading their body language. These birds seem to make good use of every feather to tell you when they are excited or aggressive; they fan out their tail feathers and fluff their head feathers. Combine this display with pinning eyes, and your Amazon couldn’t make himself any clearer.

Be aware that Amazons can be territorial around their cage, as well as the floor beneath it, especially during spring. These birds can go into overload behavior, especially during rough play, so pay attention to your Amazon’s body language. Watch for flared tail feathers, eye pinning and firm, wide-legged posture; when combined, these can signal a forthcoming bite.

Amazons show their zeal for life with highly animated vocalizations and enthusiastic “Hellos!” They also seem to take a particular liking to opera music and aren’t afraid to attempt the high notes.

Amazons are passionate about food. They will want two of what you’re having. You generally cannot eat a slice of pizza or a bowl of pasta in front of an Amazon. (In fact, Amazons often have a special “shrill” to express delight when eating a favorite.) For this reason, you have to be mindful of not over-indulging your Amazon with people food. Amazons can be quite playful, but they will choose food over play, so keep your Amazon on an exercise regimen.

Being rainforest birds, Amazons love getting thoroughly drenched, especially on rainy days and might even go so far as hang upside down like a monkey. These birds generally like to be right in the thick of things. Most are content to have their cage or playgym where the family is. (Just make sure your Amazon gets enough sleep so it doesn’t get cranky. They can be just like us when we are sleep deprived.)

Can be hormonal and aggressive.

Green cheeked Amazon. Traits:  The brightly colored green-cheeked Amazons' engaging attitude and affectionate personalities make them good family pets. These Amazons like human interaction, and they also do well interacting with other pet birds.“Not seen as often as the yellowheads. They should not be overlooked as their temperament and personality will compliment an active family.”Noise Level:  Moderate Talk/Trick Ability:  Good with training.